Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)


Meneruskan postingan saya yang berjudul T-Pain Effect menggunakan Antares Autotune saya baru sadar kalau belum memberi link untuk mendownload software Antares Autotune nya. Nah dari pada di update di posting tersebut, saya buat posting baru saja yah :p

Apa sebenarnya guna software Antares Autotune ini?

Software ini berguna untuk picth correcting atau meng-edit / membenarkan pich. Tidak hanya digunakan untuk meng edit picth vocal, software Antares Auto tune ini juga bisa digunakan untuk alat instrument seperti bass.

Software Antares Autotune ini juga bisa digunakan untuk memberi efek T-Pain loh, apa itu T-Pain Effect? Mungkin anda bisa langsung membaca artikel saya yang berjudul T-Pain Effect menggunakan Antares Autotune. Disana lengkap penjelasan hingga tutorialnya.

Banyak kawan yang mengirimkan email ke saya tentang software Antares Autotune ini. Mulai dari cara penggunaannya secara mendetail, hingga menanyakan atau ingin membeli software Antares Autotune ini. Wah kalau ingin membeli sayang-sayang space DVD nya, software ini hanya mempunyai size sebesar 4.67mb kok, jadi tidak perlu risau karena kecepatan download anda yang buruk (saya mengatakan hal ini karena koneksi internet indonesia yang sangat payah).

File ini saya yang upload kok, jadi tidak perlu kuatir karena link software Antares Autotune nya mati dan lain sebagainya.

Oke langsung saja :D

antares autotune evo

Hailed as a "holy grail of recording," by Recording magazine (and adopted worldwide as the largest-selling audio plug-in of all time), Auto-Tune corrects intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments, in real time,

without distortion or artifacts, while preserving all of the expressive nuance of the original performance - with audio quality so pristine that the only difference between what goes in and what comes out is the intonation. All with a user-interface that is a model of clarity, speed and ease-of-use.

For most common pitch problems, Auto-Tune Evo's Automatic Mode instantaneously detects the pitch of the input, identifies the closest pitch in a user-specified scale (including minor, major, chromatic and 26 historical and microtonal scales), and corrects the input pitch to match the scale pitch. A Retune Speed control lets you match the retune rate to virtually any performance style.

For meticulous tweaking, the Graphical Mode displays the performance's detected pitch envelope and allows you to specify the desired pitch using a variety of graphics tools. This mode gives complete control over the

correction or modification of the most elaborate expressive gestures.

Auto-Tune is used daily by thousands of audio professionals around the world. Whether to save studio and editing time, ease the frustration of endless retakes, to save that otherwise once-in-a-lifetime performance, or to create striking special effects, Auto-Tune Evo is the tool of choice.

Prepare to be amazed.

Auto-Tune is a multi-platform plug-in that corrects intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments, in real time, without distortion or artifacts, while preserving all of the expressive nuance of the original performance

with audio quality so pristine that the only difference between what goes in and what comes out is the intonation. Over a typical pitch correction range, it is simply not possible to tell that a sound has been processed, except that it is perfectly in tune.

Automatic Mode

Most common pitch problems can be corrected by Auto-Tune 4's Automatic Mode. Automatic Mode instantaneously detects the pitch of the input, identifies the closest pitch in a user-specified scale (including minor, major, chromatic and 26 historical and microtonal scales), and corrects the input pitch to match the scale pitch. A Retune Speed control lets you match the retune rate to virtually any performance style.

Graphical Mode

For meticulous tweaking, the Graphical Mode displays the performance's detected pitch envelope and allows you to draw in the desired pitch using a variety of graphics tools. This mode gives complete control over the

correction or modification of the most elaborate expressive gestures

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