Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 v14.0.0.342 Full Keygen

 Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 v14.0.0.342 Incl Keymaker Full Version

Merupakan software pengedit video, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Full Versi ini bisa menjadi pilihan untuk anda yang gemar berkecimpung dalam dunia edit editing video. Dengan software ini kita dapat memasukan efek, musik, judul, transisi dan masih banyak lagi. Publishernya mengatakan bahwa HD Video adalah software editing dengan DVD dan Blu-Ray authoring yang dapat membuat, mengedit, memuat dan berbagi ke berbagai macam online sharing seperti youtube dll.


Features VideoStudio Pro X4:
Import from HDV, AVCHD, Blu-ray Disc and JVC HD camcorders
* Save videos as HD MPEG-4 files to the Internet with H.264 compression codec
* Export of HD movies on DVD or Blu-Ray discs with BD-J activation
* Professional templates for HD video from RevoStock
* Studio-quality music, titles, transitions and effects in real time Customizable audio sound track with SmartSound support and Dolby Digital 5.1
* Package Effects NewBlue, including a 3D-movement
* Support NVIDIA CUDA technology and the Intel Core i7
* Quick Edit Mode to create movies in minutes
* New redesigned user interface
* Upload videos directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr
* Record HD video to standard DVD media for viewing on a standard DVD and Blu-Ray players
* Save your videos to iPod, iPhone, PSP and other mobile devices

3 ways of making movies:
* Master Transfer from DV to DVD - the direct transfer of files from the camcorder to a disc.
* Movie Wizard - create beautifully decorated film in minutes using a high-quality patterns.
* Editor VideoStudio - disclosure of creativity with a complete set of tools for video editing.

Powerful tools.Creativity without borders:
* Writing and recording HD DVD; Plus
* Create complex effects "picture in picture" and visual effects, up to 6 tracks with superimposed;
* Create a track with surround sound Dolby ® Digital 5.1 and work with high-definition video formats (HD);
* Create a video for standard and wide screen 16:9, as well as CDs with slide shows; decoration home movies with hundreds of customizable effects, filters and transitions.

Output in any format for any device:
* The output video format H.246, MPEG-4, or on mobile devices such as iPod ®, iPhone ®, PSP ®, Zune ™, PDA, Smartphone and videophones Nokia ®; Plus
* Easy publishing video blog on YouTube ™ or any other video sites; Plus
* Burn DVD-ROM drive, create videopodarkov, manufacturing and marketing presentations archive film collection;
* Create a video albums on the Internet to show family and friends.
System Requirements
· Intel Core Duo 1,83 GHz, AMD Dual-Core 2.0 GHz atau lebih tinggi direkomendasikan
· 1 GB RAM (2 GB atau lebih tinggi direkomendasikan)
· 128 MB VGA VRAM atau lebih tinggi (256 MB atau lebih tinggi direkomendasikan)
· 3 GB free hard drive space
· Minimum resolusi display: 1024 x 768
· Kartu suara yang kompatibel dengan Windows
· Windows yang kompatibel dengan DVD-ROM drive untuk instalasi
· Recordable DVD yang diperlukan untuk menciptakan DVD
· Recordable Blu-ray drive yang diperlukan untuk membuat cakram Blu-ray

Link download

1. Putuskan koneksi Intenet Jalankan Corel Video Studio X4 (Masih trial nanti keluar kotak minta isikan serial number (Kita isikan dari keygen, setelah disikan keygen jangan ditutup)
2. Keluar Kotak Please enter your serial number (Kotak ini masih kosong)
3. Jalankan Keygen di Program Pilih Corel Video Studio X4
-Kotak Instalation Code masih kosong biarin aja dulu
-Kotak Serial sudah ad isinya
-Kotak Activtion Code masih Kosong biarin aja dulu. keygen jangan ditutup
4. Copy kan Serial di keygen ke Corel Video Kotak Please Enter your serial Number
5. Klik Phone Corel
-Kotak Instalation Code Sudah ada isinya
6. Copy kan angka tersebut ke Keygen ke kotak Instalation Code
7. Klik Activation di keygen
8. Activation Code di Keygen dah ada isinya
9. Copy can angkanya ke activation Code di Corel X4 Studio
10. Klik Continue dah Selesai Full

Link: Tested by Koskomputer
Software: Tested by Koskomputer Work in Win XP SP 3 & Win7

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Video Editor

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