Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

AKVIS Chameleon 7.9.1698.8668 Include Trial Reset

AKVIS Chameleon 7.9.1698.8668 Include Trial Reset

AKVIS Chameleon 7.9.1698.8668 Full Version - Adalah software image editing yang yang terfokus pada manipulasi pembuatan foto kolase, yaitu sekumpulan foto yang di gabungkan menjadi satu. AKVIS Chameleon bekerja dalam empat mode: Chameleon mode, Blend mode, dan Emersion mode. Setiap mode yang di tawarkan AKVIS Chameleon memiliki fitur berbeda yang sangat unik contohnya adalah Chameleon mode, pada mode ini sebuah obyek yang sisipkan ke dalam gambar akan otomatis beradaptasi dengan berbagai warna baru dari latar belakang gambar tersebut.


The software has four modes
1. Montage. In this mode the program combines images to create a seamless photo montage. It transfers selected objects to a new background and makes the irrelevant parts of the pasted fragment fade away. The object does not change its color range or opacity, only its edges adapt to the new environment and get smoothed. This mode is good to use for creating photo collages with people (pasting a person into a new background).

2. Chameleon. In this mode the program adjusts the pasted fragment to the target image color range and smoothes the object's borders. It looks similar to the way a chameleon adapts to the environment.

3. Blend Mode. In this mode the program does not only smoothen the borders of the pasted object and adjusts its color range, but it also makes the object semi-transparent, so that the texture and the relief of the primary image can be seen through. Use this mode if you want to «dissolve» the pasted image in the background.

4. Emersion Mode. In Emersion mode, like in Montage mode, the program combines images to create a seamless photo montage. The difference between the two is that in Emersion Mode the pasted fragment does not overlay the background, but embeds into the background so that only certain parts of the fragment are visible. This mode allows making montages with difficult objects (trees, etc).

Link download
Password: koskomputer

1. Ekstrak
2. Jalankan setup untuk melakukan installasi
3. Buka folder  "Retrial" kemudian jalankan file AKVIS_Retrial
4. Selesai

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