Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Knoll Light Factory 3.2 Plug-In for Photoshop Full Serial

Knoll Light Factory 3.2 Plug-In for Photoshop Full Serial

Knoll Light Factory 3.2 Full Version - Merupakan salah satu Plug-In untuk Adobe photoshop yang sangat populer. Knoll Light Factory akan secara otomatis meniru pantulan dari sumber cahaya yang sangat terang seperti yang terlihat melalui lensa kamera. Ini terbukti menjadi salah satu plug paling populer-untuk Adobe Photoshop. Knoll Light Factory jauh melampaui lensa suar khas yang di temukan Photoshop, dengan lebih dari 100 preset besar, real-time preview, dan 19 alat suar Tajam dan bagus untuk menciptakan efek kustom Anda sendiri.


More than 100 Presets
Over 100 customizable presets (50 new in 3.0) give you additional pre-made Photoshop lighting effects that range from naturalistic to dramatic.

Customize with Light Elements
Light Factory's custom lens editor lets you combine and tweak any of 19 basic light elements such as Glow Ball, Spike Ball, Chroma Hoop, Ellipse, or Sparkle to generate custom light effects.

New User Interface
The UI has been redesigned for ease of use, including previews of light presets and access to editing functions in one window.

Real-Time Preview
The main Preview Window now supports real-time manipulation, as well as the ability to resize and zoom in or out. 

16-bit Color Support
Support for higher bit depths reduces banding and yields better-looking glows and gradients. 

Obscuration Layer
Use a grayscale mask to partially obscure the lights, giving the illusion that lights are being partially blocked by an object or person in the image.

Tint Layer
Use a separate layer to change the flare color for easier compositing with complex images.

Randomize Feature
A Randomize button and slider are a fun way to discover fun new Photoshop lighting effects.

Multi-level undo allows for an improved workflow when designing lights.

Multiple Platforms
Includes support for Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CS4 64-bit, Intel Macs, and Vista 32- and 64-bit systems.

Link download
Password: koskomputer

1. Ekstrak
2. Run setup untuk melakukan installasi
3. Di saat anda menemukan pilihan:
   - Install demo version
   - Enter serial
Pilih " Enter serial" masukan serial yang sebelumnya sudah koskomputer sertakan, lalu klik "Done"
4. Kemudian pilih versi Photoshop yang anda gunakan lalu klik next
5. Pilih install dan tunggu hingga prosesnya selesai.
6. Selesai

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Image Editor

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