Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v4.0.8 Incl Patch Keygen

Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v4.0.8 Incl Patch Keygen

Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v4.0.8 Full Version - Merupakan software utilities yang paling sangat mengerti dan memahami semua yang berkaitan dengan windows 7. Software ini akan memeriksa dan memperbaiki semua kesalahan yang terjadi pada windows 7 anda sehingga OS Windows 7 yang anda gunakan dapat bekerja dengan optimal. Selain untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dan performa windows 7, Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v4.0.8 Full Versi juga dapat anda gunakan untuk merubah tampilan windows 7 sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan.


Features and Benefits of Windows 7 Manager
  • Get detailed information about your system
  • Optimizing the speed of startup and shutdown system
  • Setting up the hardware to increase speed and productivity
  • Optimizing the Task Scheduler to switch off unnecessary system tasks
  • Find and delete unnecessary files and various debris
  • Search for duplicate files
  • Cleaning the registry of unnecessary entries and incorrect
  • Defragmenting the registry to improve system performance
  • Application Management system startup
  • Setting up the boot menu of Windows 7
  • Editing the context menu (right mouse button)
  • Setting the desktop, menus, toolbars, and the notification options
  • Automatically change your desktop background
  • Setting up and optimization of system security
  • Optimizing the speed of your Internet connection
  • Setting Interner Explorer
  • Displaying built-in Windows utilities
  • Separation and pooling of any file

Changes in Windows 7 Manager 4.0.8
  • Registry Cleaner updated to v5.3
  • Repair Center updated to v3.6
  • Live Update updated to v2.4
  • JumpList Quick Launcher updated to v4.2

Link download
Password: koskomputer

1. Install Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager 4.0.8
2. Pastikan Windows 7 Manager tidak sedang dijalankan
3. Jalankan 'KeygenWin7Manager' - Klik Kanan - Run As Administrator
4. Klik "Patch Exe" - Tunggu sampai 'Patch Applied'
5. Buat Nama dan Copy Serial dari Keygen tersebut
6. Jalankan Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager 4.0.8 - Buy & Regiter / Purchase & Register
7. Paste Nama dan Serial dari keygen tadi ke kolom yang sudah tersedia - Activate
8. Enjoy

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