Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Video Thumbnails Maker v3.0 + Keygen Full Version

 Video Thumbnails Maker v3.0 with Keygen Full Version

Merupakan salah satu software yang handal dan mudah di gunakan dalam urusan membuat thumbnails atau cuplikan cuplikan kecil dari sebuah video ke dalam bentuk screenshot image. Software ini sangat cocok di gunakan bagi anda yang memiliki web ataupun blog yang berbagi atau menjelaskan tentang seputar dunia video. . Video Thumbnails Maker ini pun juga mengizinkan kita untuk menentukan sendiri Angle mana yang ingin kita ambil sebagai Thumbnail.


  • Supports of the batch processing of videofiles.
  • Supports of practically any videos-formats (even MOV, QT, FLV, SWF, RM if you have appropriate codecs). If the file can be normally played in your video-player (Windows Media Player or BSPlayer), it can be processed by the program.
  • You can pause/continue or stop active job at any moment.
  • Possibility to save each shot in separate file.
  • Import and export options presets.
  • Options preset file format (*.vtm). After you run the preset, the program is automatically opened with the imported tuning. Very useful.
  • 5 interface languages (English, Belarusian, Russian, Ukranian, German).
  • 5 customizable \"base\"-presets.
  • Statistics of the progress of the program (F1 window).
  • If you support the project, you can receive an email stating the amount you have donated, and a special activation key for the program. The key allows you to personalize the program, and depending on the amount you donated you will receive special status (silver, gold, platinum).
  • Watermarks (alpha-channels and transparency are supported). Make your own style.
  • Ability to use your images as background images for preview.
  • Autoadjustment of height of a shot option.
  • Global stroke and stroke tiles options.
  • Fit screen option (autoadjustment of the shots to fit your screen resolution).
  • Special effects (drop shadow, gray scale, cut edges).
  • Customizable fonts, colors, contours, shadows, frames, background, text.
  • Stamp time in shots option (5 different locations, transparency, contour).
  • Video information stamp option (4 different locations and customizable configurations).
  • \"Audio/Video info\" option.
  • \"Custom comment\" option.
  • Two rendering engines (Engine 2 is recommended to be used under 64-bit OS).
  • \"Try to substitute black frames\" option.
  • The program´s small size.
  • Hot keys.

Link download

1. Install softwarenya seperti menginstall software pada umumnya
2. Jalankan Video Thumbnails Maker v3.0
3. Klik button i yang terletak di sebelah kanan tulisan common
4. Setelah di klik maka akan muncul jendela aktivasi, Jalankan keygen dan generate serialnya. Lalu letakan pada kolom Activation Key klik save

5. Selesai
Jika aktivasi berhasil, maka tulisan pada common akan berubah menjadi platinum

Link: Tested by Koskomputer
Software: Tested by Koskomputer

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