Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Yamicsoft Vista Manager 4.1.6 Full Keygen

Yamicsoft Vista Manager 4.1.6 Full Keygen

Yamicsoft Vista Manager 4.1.6 Full Version - Adalah software utilities yang berfungsi untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dan performa Windows Vista. Fungsi dari software ini masih sama dengan Windows 7 Manager 4.0.6 Full Keygen yang sudah koskomputer share sebelumnya. Cara kerja Yamicsoft Vista Manager sendiri adalah dengan melakukan pemeriksaan dan memperbaiki setiap kerusakan-kerusakan yang terjadi pada system sehingga OS Windows Vista yang anda gunakan dapat bekerja dengan baik dan maksimal. Selain itu dengan menggunakan Yamicsoft Vista Manager 4.1.6 Full Versi, anda dapat merubah tampilan windows vista sesuai dengan yang di inginkan.



Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine; Vista Manager offers 1-clicking cleans your system automatically.

Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed; tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Optimize Task Schedule to turn off unnecessary system tasks.

Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time.

Control what is started on Windows startup; tune up Vista boot menu; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings; automatically change your desktop wallpaper on background.

You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities, and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disable system updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives, specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on your computer; encrypt/decrypt and shred files, change the location of system folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots of randomization password once.

Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.

Misc. Utilities:
Show the collection of Windows utilities; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; shutdown your PC or remind you automatically.

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Password: koskomputer

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